Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Drawing Of Hand Outstretched

A drawing of a hand with fingers outstretched. Drawn in charcoal and pencil.

Drawing of hand outstretched.
The best way to learn how to draw hands is to draw hands, so I am sketching some as practice. There are many theories about drawing hands but nothing beats just doing it.

I drew this first in 2b pencil developing the outline by mentally measuring points against points. To do this I would imagine a grid over the image and compare points with other points on the grid.

After the outline I did the first rough in with the 2b pencil by shading in the lightest tones and then buffed them with a stub.

I followed that with a go over of the darkest areas using a light charcoal pencil which I blended slightly. I went over some of the medium values again with the 2b and blended then finished the details with the pencil.

I did a little touch up with the charcoal and then called it done.

I purposely quit the project before it looked too finished. I could strive for a more photographic results, and if I had the time maybe I would, but lately I have felt that drawings should look like drawings.

I am mostly happy with the sketch and will keep it to measure my progress toward improvement in rendering hands.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my work. Thanks for taking the time to look,
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(c) Adron Dozat