Sunday, November 16, 2014

Charcoal Sketch of A Young Woman Looking Over Her Shoulder

This is a sketch I did to relax after a long week at work. I drew this in my sketchbook that I carry around with me. The source picture was from a fashon advertisement but I did a lot of editing.

I started with a hb graphite pencil to outline the face then began to work the portrait in a light charcoal. I finished with a medium charcoal. I used a stub a lot in this one to give the effect of full hair. The stub was rubbed all over the white paper beside the profile to tone the paper down so the face would be whiter by contrast.

It was a fun picture to draw.

A Charcoal Portrait of a Young Woman Looking Over Her Shoulder. 

Please see the tab for pricing options to commission your own portrait in charcoal.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my work. Thanks for taking the time to look. 

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