Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Portrait In Pencil of A Man Looking Away.

A portrait of a man looking away. 

I drew this over a few days It is drawn in colored pencil. I was surprised at how easily these colored pencils erased with either a kneaded erasure or a vinyl erasure. It shows the benefit of getting and using the best.

I liked how colorful I was able to make him; it took a lot of study of the picture I was working on to perceive the colors and bring them out. I did a lot of rubbing in the face and none in the hair or the jacket. It gives the portrait a lot of contrast in textures. The face was mostly warm colors and the cold of the blue jacket really sets it off nicely.  I really love to draw faces like this with a lot of color in them.

You can find lots of colored pencils at the supplier listed on the left sidebar.