Saturday, February 23, 2013

Charcoal Sketch of Woman's Face

This is a quick sketch I did in charcoal of a woman. Her name is Laura M. 

Sketch of  Laura, a Woman in Shadow. 

I liked the pose since it was a little teasing to see the face halfway hidden by the long thick hair, and  the dark areas that gave mystery to the face.

I started with a regular hb graphite pencil to roughly sketch out the face and get the proportions right. When I was satisfied with the outlay of the design I started going over the drawing in hb charcoal pencil. When I felt the hb charcoal was not giving the needed depth I chose a medium  charcoal pencil for the deepest dark values. I returned to the hb charcoal and worked the medium in almost as if it were a blending stub. I went back and forth between the pencils.

I did not want to use the stub to smooth and blend the values as I have been doing in a lot of my drawings lately so I would look like a pencil drawing.

For the amount of time I spent on it I am happy.

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