Sunday, May 22, 2011

Charcoal Sketch of a Happy Baby in a Denim Jacket

Here is a drawing of a little baby in a big denim jacket.  He had such a happy face and a cute toothless smile that he was irresistible. Babies are difficult to draw because the proportions are so different and they change quickly. I am practicing more children and babies since I am getting more request to sketch them, and I want to have a high standard of excellence in my work. One problem with drawing children and babies is the lack of lines or wrinkles that give an older face character you have to rely a lot more in shading with half tones and the slight shadows to get the effect right. Babies and children tend to be more expressive so they are excellent practice for getting expressions and drama in a picture.

This sketch took about 2 hours and I drew it on several visits to a coffee shop. It was drawn using Generals charcoal pencils on a Strathmore 9x12 practice sketchpad   

Please see the tab for pricing options to commission your own portrait in charcoal.