Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Charcoal Drawing of A Young Woman

Charcoal Study of Young Woman's Face

This drawing was done as a value study to show the students at a home school class on drawing. Value is how light or dark a color is, in this case it is charcoal so the values are all various intensity of grey. I was trying to emphasize that you do not need to draw a lot of "lines" to draw a fine portrait, but that shadows and values are more important.

Value Study of a Young Woman's Face. 
Though there are a few lines in this drawing the effect is done with shades of grey and masses or areas of various grey tones. Some places the value is very dark and other areas so pale that there is no medium at all. Part of the hair was almost white and since it is a study in values I left it blank. Part of the face is in deep shadow; I did a lot of charcoal there and lifted out just a little around the cheek and the white of the eye, (but the eye is in shadow so it really is not white).

I didn't need to do any blending for this study just get the values but being a little bored I over did it some and spent more time on it than I intended.

I am finding that larger paper is more satisfying for drawing, and this was drawn on an 11x14 page from a sketchbook.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my work. Thanks for taking the time to look. 

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